Family member, not a personnel number

When you join Hiltl Nutzfahrzeuge or TCT Spedition you become a member of the Holfelder family. We focus on long-term positions that meet the needs of people and the company equally. Thanks to our open corporate culture, we find individual solutions and the ideal role for each employee.

From training to retirement

Employees who have worked for us for decades prove that our approach works. Many of them have progressed from trainee to a managerial position. This long period of service, coupled with very low overall labor turnover, means that the team is deeply acquainted with our processes and familiar with our customers’ needs. Trust, security and customer satisfaction result.

An overview of our benefits

We are a family business with short decision-making processes.

We offer an above-average number of vacation days.

We have a company
pension plan.

You receive travel expenses and daycare subsidies.

We offer opportunities for further training and qualification.

All employment contracts are permanent and secure.

We offer fair,
above-average wages.

Overtime hours are honored or paid out.

We have flexible shift working models.

Start now!

If you are looking for a secure and always exciting job, then we have something for you! We look forward to receiving your application. If you cannot find a role that suits you in our list of vacancies, please send us a speculative application and we will get in touch with you as soon as possible.

Send speculative application

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